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Artigarvan Primary School 31 Berryhill Road Artigarvan Strabane

Year 3/4

Welcome to Year 3/4 where learning is fun and we always give our best! 📚

This year our teacher is Mr Campbell and we have 31 children in our class. We have 23 Year 4 children and 8 Year 3 children. 

This term our topic is All about me! We will be looking at the skeleton, how to stay healthy, teeth and what a balanced diet is.

Homework is given out on a Monday, We hand it in on a Friday. For Homework we will have spellings, tables/sums, reading, literacy and numeracy tasks.

In our school the children participate in T-Team. This helps us to become more familiar with our times tables. We will try each week to place either on the cub, cadet, commander, captain or division whizz board! ✖️➗

We have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on both days. 


Keep an eye on our class page to find out what we have been getting up too! 👀




25th Sep 2024
Today we had visitors from Strabane Academy. Emma and Molly helped us learn some...
13th Sep 2024
This week the boys and girls in our class have been working hard in Numeracy. We...

Year 3/4 art lesson with Sinead McDermott


This week for Children's Mental Health Week, the Year 3/4 children participated in an online art lesson.  This was held by Sinead McDermott a local artist.  We were given step by step instructions to create our masterpieces.  This was a painting by Claude Monet.  We used both oil pastels and watercolour paints to do this.  Have a look at our masterpieces, they are amazing!!


Splish, Splash, Splosh! Will our boats float or sink?


We are all Superheroes!!!!!! We celebrated Superhero Week for Autism NI!


Odd Sock Day in P3/4


Today we all wore odd socks to school for Anti-Bullying Week.


Class Photograph


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